Late brunch: Omelette with truffle oil, herbed ciabatta rolls, olivespread and brie

4:44 PM

Last Sunday I had a late start and soent the day in Masters buying home stuffs. 

We finished around 3pm, and after feeding Jo, we started to realise how hungry we were. Too lazy (and tired) to go to the store, I scrambled the fridge. found some eggs, mushroom, chives, chicken breast - and decided to make omelettes. We recently bought truffle infused virgin olive oil and I've been meaning to use it. 

I sauteed the garlic and chicken breast in truffle oil, and make omelettes. I popped into some herbed ciabatta rolls into the oven and cut some brie to add some tang to the meal. 

I have to admit, the truffle oil makes a difference, and its definitely addictive 

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